Our Blogs

Welcome to your one-stop shop for financial empowerment! Whether you're looking to conquer debt, navigate the tax system, achieve financial freedom, understand accounting basics, or boost your financial literacy, you've come to the right place. We'll provide actionable strategies, clear explanations, and expert insights to help you take control of your finances and build a secure future.

your guide to tax

Navigating the world of taxes can feel overwhelming, but understanding the Kenyan tax system is a key step towards financial security. This blog is your one-stop resource for all things tax-related in Kenya. We'll break down complex tax topics into clear, actionable steps. From income tax basics to filing deadlines, deductions, and benefits, we'll equip you with the knowledge and confidence to manage your taxes efficiently. Stay tuned for practical tips and straightforward explanations to ensure you're tax-compliant and financially informed.

1. Confused by the new Tax Regulations in Kenya?

2. New tax proposals in the Finance Bill 2024

debt management

Drowning in debt? You're not alone. But fear not, financial freedom is within reach! This blog is your personal guide to tackling debt and achieving a life free from financial burdens. We'll equip you with effective strategies, budgeting tips, and expert advice to help you pay down those balances and build a healthy financial future. From understanding different debt repayment methods to finding ways to boost your income, we'll cover everything you need to break free from the cycle of debt and achieve lasting financial peace of mind.

1. Good debts vs bad debts

2. Benefits of consolidating your debts

3. Choking in debts? Easy way to clear your debts


Kenya's investment scene isn't just about startups and big businesses. The country offers a wealth of opportunities for those seeking stable returns. Dive into the world of Kenyan fixed-income investments like treasury bills, infrastructure bonds, and real estate. We'll explore these options alongside money market funds and other secure investment vehicles, showing you how to navigate Kenya's diverse financial landscape for steady growth.

1. Understanding Treasury bills and bonds in Kenya

2. Dynamics of Money market funds (MMF) vs SACCOs in Kenya